Want to help end family homelessness in Kansas City?
Individuals and group volunteers expand our capacity by serving in children’s programs, budgeting classes, facility projects, or serving on professional committees. To learn more, contact Bob via phone at 816.389.8262 or via email at volunteer@communitylinc.org.
If you are looking to make an impact in our community, we need you! Donate your time to help us work toward our vision to end family homelessness in Kansas City. Individual volunteer opportunities include:
- Teach resilience and life skills in our children’s program (Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:30pm)
- Give one-on-one budgeting lessons
- Provide office help
- Assist with building maintenance and repairs
- Serve on a professional committee

If you are part of a social, civic, faith, or corporate group looking to give back to our community, we need you! Community LINC welcomes volunteer groups each Saturday or during the week. Group volunteer opportunities include:
- Prepare apartments for new families
- Assist with building maintenance and repairs
- Assist with gardening and playground area
- Complete seasonal or special projects

Special Opportunities
Community LINC occasionally has special opportunities for volunteers. These volunteer roles assist staff in building the capacity of certain programs and events. Current opportunities include:
- Rent Party volunteers
- Resource manager of in-kind inventory
- Success Celebration Coordinator
For more information about any volunteer opportunities, contact Bob at 816.389.8262 or volunteer@communitylinc.org.

Other Ways To Help
Speaking Opportunities: Invite us to speak to your social, civic, faith or corporate group. Contact Clay Morgan at 816.389.8255 or cmorgan@communitylinc.org to learn more.
Party Host: Host a party with family or friends to help share the good work of Community LINC. Or take a monetary or in-kind collection of bedding, apartment supplies or children’s items. Contact Clay Morgan at 816.389.8255 or cmorgan@communitylinc.org to learn more.
Monetary Gifts: Your donation helps us end homelessness for families and build a better community. If you would like to speak to someone about a donation, please contact Clay Morgan at 816.389.8255 or cmorgan@communitylinc.org to learn more.
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Help end family homelessness in KC!
Every contribution makes a difference. Your financial support allows us to offer programs that truly transform lives in Kansas City.